How Do Mentalists Work? 7 Fascinating Methods Revealed

how do mentalists work

Hello my friends!

It’s Kieron Cane here with 7 fascinating methods to Mentalism – Enjoy!

If you’ve ever wondered how Mentalists work then I’m about to show you 7 methods that they didn’t want you to know!

These particular 7 methods are the very basis from which all Mentalists create their amazing effects and performances.

So without further a do, let’s get into it!

how do mentalists work

1: The Swami Gimmick

The Swami gimmick is a very versatile object, it consists of a small piece of metal with a piece of lead attached which can be slotted onto the fingernail of the performer.

This allows the performer to secretly write on a pad of paper after a number or name has been called out.

Here’s an example of it in use:

The performer states that he is going to demonstrate how Mentalists work by predicting the future.

He takes a pencil and a pad of paper and pretends to write a 3 digit number on the paper. (In fact, he just mimmicks the action of writing and actually writes nothing)

Now he places the pencil down on the table and asks his spectator to name any 3 digit number.

As she calls out the number he simultaneously writes the same number on the paper using the swami gimmick attached to his thumb.

Of course, this is done very casually and without drawing any suspicion.

With practice, the Mentalist can write the number even with his hand by his side as he is talking.

After they have named the number, the Mentalist turns the paper around to reveal the prediction was correct.

how mentalists work their methods

2: How Do Mentalists Work With Pencil Reading & Muscle Reading?

Pencil reading and muscle reading can be a little more advanced but when practiced and performed well can give the impression of genuine mind reading skills.

Pencil reading is the art of literally watching the movement of the pen or pencil as the spectator is writing something down.

Here’s an example of pencil reading:

The performer gives the spectator a pen and pencil and asks her to draw a large shape or object on the paper.

As they are doing this, the performer can see the top of the pen and gets a good idea of what is being drawn. He can then reveal what is drawn, appearing to read the mind of the spectator.

Here’s an example of muscle reading:

The Mentalist can get small clues and indicators from his spectator by very minor muscle movements that guide him to the truth.

Let’s say that the spectator is asked to put a coin in either hand without the Mentalist seeing which hand it is in.

The Mentalist is able to tell which hand contains the coin by very minor clues given by the muscles in the arm and hand of which is holding the coin.

3: How Do Mentalist Work With X-Ray Vision

X-ray vision acts were extremely popular in the early 1900’s and the act usually consisted of 2 performers who were either husband and wife or just stage partners.

One of the performers were blindfolded on stage and yet were able to describe objects in detail presented to them.

This was usually achieved my a secret code language that was devised by the two performers,

Other times, gimmick blindfolds were used that the performer was able to see out of.

how do mind readers work using mental

4: How Do Mentalists Work With Mnemonics and Mental Systems?

How do Mentalists work with numbers and memory feats when they appear to be able to memorize a whole phone book with thousands of numbers?

There are many genius methods used to accomplish this and also many “self working” mathematical tricks that pretty much work automatically.

The main method for memorizing large amounts of information is by the use of mnemonics.

Mnemonics is a system devised for memorizing information by attaching visual objects and stories to the sequence of the information.

For example, a Mentalist could memorize the order of a full pack of playing cards just by attaching a meaning to each card and then creating a story in his mind that links up all of those meanings.

mentalists use book tests to read minds

5: How Do Mentalists Work With Book Tests?

Book tests have been around probably for as long as Mentalism itself!

Hundreds, if not thousands of effects have been devised using commonplace books.

The reason for this is that everyone is familiar with books and they do not appear to be special apparatus.

Mentalists appear to memorize every word in a book, predict words that a spectator will choose to name just a couple of effects.

If you’d like to learn a really cool book test trick, then visit my Mentalism Tricks page where I teach one of my very favorite methods.

6: How Do Mentalists Work Using Card Tricks?

No line up in Mentalism tricks would be complete without discussing card tricks.

Just like book test tricks, card tricks have an unlimited possibility when it comes to Mentalism.

The performer can make predictions, read minds, perform amazing feats of memory and so much more!

If you want to learn an amazing Mentalism trick using an ordinary pack of borrowed playing cards, check out my Mentalism Tricks page – you’re going to LOVE it!

7: How Mentalists Work Using Two-Person Telepathy

Two person telepathy acts were extremely popular in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.

Two performers were able to relate information to each other by covert methods.

Usually this was achieved by use of a special code language that was devised purely for the 2 performers to communicate with each other.

Other means were through stooges in the audience and many other clever methods that the audience were completely oblivious to.

Want To Become A Mentalist?

My friend and world famous Mentalist, “Mr X” has developed a 30 day program that will take you from absolute beginner to advanced Mentalist.

As I’m writing this post, the membership has been closed for the year but if you click on the link below, I will inform you of when it opens up again to the public!

This is an opportunity that you don’t want to miss as it’s very rare that he takes on new members.

I will personally inform you the very moment it opens up!