Read People’s Mind With The 3 Step Barnum System

read peoples mind


It’s Kieron Cane Here With Some More Powerful Mind Reading Secrets!

Today I’m going to show you a POWERFUL way to read peoples mind.

I don’t know how you found me or ended up on this page but I want to tell you something that I know about you…

It might sound strange, I know..

But I know you have an important female relative who recently passed away and you wish you could of made peace with them before they passed..

I also know you have a scar on your left knee – check now if you don’t believe me!

Was I correct?

What’s up people? If you want to be able to appear to read peoples mind and tell them INTIMATE SECRETS that you could of never known – you’ll absolutely love this!!

I’ve been using the Barnum effect for the last 9 years in all situations..

On stage, to random people in the street, people I’ve just met in a bar – you name it!

“Because There’s Nothing More PROFOUND
Than Telling Someone You’ve Just Met
Intimate Details about Their Character… “

With the Barnum Effect, you have an arsenal of POWERFUL statements that you can say to just about ANYBODY and you will be near spot on every time!

What Is The Barnum Effect & How Can You Read Peoples Minds?

The Barnum effect, is a strange psychological phenomenon where a Mentalist or Mind Reader is able to give highly accurate “readings” to a spectator.

The performer can give descriptions of their personality and character that supposedly is unique to them.

The way it works is that the facts and statements are actually very vague and general yet to apply to most of the population! 

Because the readings are vague and yet describe the person well, the spectator interprets their own meanings and, if you will, “fill in the blanks”.

An example to demonstrate that this technique really works is by explaining a simple experiment that was conducted some 25 years ago..

The Mentalist took 10 spectators or subjects and explained that he was going to give them each a personal reading.

After spending a few minutes with each person alone, he then gave each of the 10 people an envelope that had their “unique” reading that explained personal details about each subject.

They were then asked to score their reading out of 100 on accuracy of the details.

As expected, the scores were all very high and the Mentalist proved to be very successful in his attempt.

The interesting thing was…


read peoples mind

The reason it’s called “The Barnum Effect” is because it was coined in 1956 by a psychologist called Paul Meehl who studied tests that were given by the famous showman P.T. Barnum.

He introduced these methods to appear to read peoples minds and give psychic readings that were given by fortune tellers at freak shows and dime shows.

How To Use The Barnum Effect To Read People’s Mind..

First of all you should set the scene when you want to read peoples minds.

Never introduce this as a “magic trick” or amusement.

STEP 1: Choose Your Subject

When choosing your subject, ensure that you don’t know anything about the person or you could not of gathered any information about them previously.

It’s best if they are open minded about the “experiment” and not coming into it with any skepticism.

This would work really well with someone you have just met, for example in a bar or social event.

Explain to them that you would like to give them a psychic reading based on their appearance and personality.

STEP 2: Set The Scene

Explain to your subject that you would like to give them a personal reading.

Tell them to keep an open mind.

Always approach Mentalism and mind reading as “an experiment” this way they will relax and let their guard down.

STEP 3: Say these 10 Barnum Statements To Appear To Read Peoples Mind

1: You get anxious in social situations, and because of that, you often feel people get the wrong impression of you.

2: You have creative abilities that you aren’t able to indulge in, and that bothers you fairly often.

3: At times you are extroverted and sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary and closed-off.

4: You often have great ideas that you just never have the motivation to follow through on.

5: You don’t like to be told what to do, and because of that, you find yourself secretly rebelling against people in authority.

6: You have a particularly large fear of rejection, and you worry that this has limited your experiences in life.

7: You fall in love easily, but because of your fear of rejection, you sometimes find yourself unintentionally sabotaging your new relationships.

8: You are a daydreamer. Oftentimes you find yourself tuning out of conversations because your mind is somewhere of your own creation.

9: There is someone in your life whose words hurt you, and you regularly think about cutting contact with them.

10: You are highly selective of your friends, and very picky about who you have relationships with, although you have a wide range of acquaintances.

Here’s a video that demonstrates how POWERFUL the Barnum Effect is and how it’s used to appear to read peoples mind.

Want To Learn Some More POWERFUL Mentalism?

These Barnum statements are quite vague but still resound with people when you demonstrate a reading.

If you want to take your Mentalism to the next level then I want to let you in on a source of knowledge that you can tap into today..

My friend and renowned Mentalist “Mr X” has put together an awesome membership website for people who are serious about becoming a Mentalist.

Please note that this is not for hobbyists or curious people who just want to know the secrets!

This is for people who are serious about Mentalism and want to know many ways in which to read peoples mind.

read peoples mind

👈You can apply here but only if you’re SERIOUS about Mentalism

What Exactly Am I Getting?

You’re getting FULL ACCESS to the Master Mentalism Inner Circle.

  • You will learn from one of the worlds most highly respected Mentalists – Let them pull back the curtains and take you into a world that has previously been guarded from the public.
  • Very easy to do tricks that will have you astonishing people starting within HOURS of approving your membership!

  • The super shortcut 3-Step Mentalism system you can use when onstage, in the streets or absolutely anywhere, which guarantees you can perform POWERFUL Mentalism with 100% confidence.

  • How to move at lightning SPEED through all the 3 stages of magic and Mentalism: From “no clue whatsoever” to “this is a piece of p***” in just a few short hours… and then go on to “impress the hell out of all your friends to the point of them believing you’re the real deal”.

  • Instantly GET the “insider” techniques and secrets behind Criss Angel, Derren Brown, David Blaine and David Copperfield (Plus a TON more) – Powerful TV stuff that will give you a sexy “audience appeal” immediately!

  • How to think like the pros – this ONE skill that can separate the really talented mentalists from the hobbyists.
  • The RARE â€œX factor” that allows you to quickly master the most heart wrenching Mentalism tricks… and all of them will be totally unique – your own personal Mentalism “signature piece”.